How to access the Django request inside a Template Tag

You can access the Django request within a Template Tag by enabling the request context processor. If you’re using a generic view, for example, ‘direct_to_template’, your render() function will then be passed a RequestContext , and you can access the request by context[‘request’]. If you’re not using a generic view, and are using render_to_response(), then you have to explicitly pass context_instance=RequestContext(request) as the third parameter. You enable the request context processor by adding this to your settings file:

Learning Spanish

Just finished my first year of learning spanish. Here’s a page with links to various things I found useful: podcasts, TV shows, and books - Learning Spanish

Where can I buy a Wii Fit?

Trying to get a Wii Fit is almost impossibile - none of the shops have any in stock. Even Amazon has stocks only for a few minutes each time they get some before they’re all gone. Very frustrating! So one quiet evening, I wrote a real-time stock checker to tell me when they were in stock. And now I’m the happy owner of a Wii Fit, and very excellent it is too…

underwater iPod

Looking for a way of going swimming/kayaking/windsurfing with your iPod? I can thoroughly recommend the H3 headphones and iPod Shuffle case, both made by H20 Audio. I go swimming a lot, partly because I’m doing the Marie Curie Swimathon this year, partly because it’s a good way of getting fit. But, boy, can it be boring! plodding up and down watching the clock to see whether it’s time to stop.

2 essential rescue CDs...

For when you need to resize the partition you usually work in GParted LiveCD And for when you’ve muffed up your grub installation, and can’t work out how to use grub-install Super Grub Disk

Where to put Audacity plug-ins?

The Audacity documentation isn’t exactly clear on this… Trial and error led me to the right answer - copy the plug-ins directory from the installation .dmg to Applications/ i.e. the same directory as the executable.

Minimal Ubuntu install

From http ://, $ sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gnome-core gdm firefox synaptic xubuntu-system-tools gnome-app-install