Installing CoLinux on WindowsXP
This assumes that you don’t already have a Linux installation on a dual-boot machine that you want to use, and are going to install Linux from scratch. If you do already have a working Linux setup, then you can use it. The CoLinux FAQ explains how to configure coLinux on a dual-boot machine
- Get a 2nd IP address assigned that you can use on your Windows machine for the colinux interface (assuming you’ve already got one assigned to the main interface)
- Download colinux-0.6.2.exe from sourceforge onto the Windows machine.
- Run colinux-0.6.2.exe on the Windows machine
- By default, this will install into c:\Program Files\coLinux. I prefer it to be in c:\coLinux.
- The setup program claims it needs 7.6MB for a complete install including root filesystem.
- You’ll be offered a choice of distributions - choose Debian
- Decompress the Debian filesystem. You’ll need bunzip2, I used the version from cygwin, but you can, I think, also use the Tugzip Windows program
- Edit the default.config.xml, and change root_fs to be your unzipped debian filesystem. (If you don’t do this, you’ll get “Device index not specified” when you try to start colinux.
- I also increase “memory size”.
- You should now be able to run “colinux-daemon -c default.config.xml” and get a live colinux process.
- Login as root and change the default root password from “root”
- Edit /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf to set the interface’s IP address, router and default nameserver.
- Halt colinux
- Setup networking. I used a bridge network between my ethernet and the TAP interface created at the time of colinux install, using the native Windows bridging. (You can also use the WinPCAP option)
- Look for new interface in Control Panel. Mine was called “Local Area Connection”, since I’d renamed the original Ethernet to “Ethernet LAN”.
- Bridge between this and the external interface
- Bring up colinux and login as root.
- Once you know it works, install it as a service.
So now you’ve got a running CoLinux installation running Debian Woody.
Now upgrade Debian Woody to Debian Sid
1. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change stable to unstable
2. apt-get update
3. apt-get dist-upgrade